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Community Partner Programs

"We believe in partnering with other community agencies that expand and promote opportunities to maximize living independently."

Navigating Medicare

ILRC has partnered with Missouri SHIP (State Health Insurance Assistance Program), to provide unbiased Medicare Assistance for Missourians. The services are free and confidential. As this assistance is not an insurance agency nor selling anything, counselors do not ask for money. For more information and to set up an appointment, click button below:

School Support Services

Providing in-class independent living skills instruction to high school students including curriculum designed to increase independence, goal achievement and preparedness for the transition from high school. Subjects include: employment, budgeting, housing, meal planning and more.

Budgeting & Financial Management Training

Assisting individuals to manage a budget on their income and information pertaining to financial services.


In Partnership with Vocational Rehabilitation, ILRC provides Pre-Employment Training Services (Pre-ETS), where youth receive:

  • Job Exploration Counseling.

  • Workplace Readiness Training To Develop Social Skills & Independent Living.

  • Self-Advocacy.

This program builds upon ILRC's core services of peer support and transition and is a welcome added value to our youth.

2023 Pre-ETS Team Work_edited.jpg

Kitchen & Cooking Skills Trianing

Thanks to the United Ways generous grant award, ILRC is receiving a kitchen remodel which will be of universal design and ADA compliant allowing for expanding workshops and individualized instruction to consumers with all types of disabilities and dietary needs.

Care Closet Program

Provides self-care products for individuals to access personal hygiene and cleaning products. 

Home Modification Program

In partnership with Meeks Lumber Company and residential building contractors to offer ramps and home modification services.

Independent Living Resource Center is one of 22 Centers for Independent Living (CILs) in the State of Missouri. Each center offers unique added value programs and services to these 5 Core Serves upheld by all Centers.

Peer Support
Independent Living Skills Training
Information & Referrals

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There are many ways you can get involved:

Volunteer Opportunities
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Serving the following 7 counties in Missouri:

Cole, Camden, Moniteau, Morgan, Miller, Osage and Southern Callaway


To find an Independent Living Center near you, click the link below:

For more information, call:


Independent Living Resource Center, Inc.

1760 Southridge Drive, Jefferson City, MO 65109


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